Are you considering applying for an H-1B visa to work in the United States?
The H-1B visa program is a popular option for skilled foreign workers seeking employment opportunities in specialty occupations. The US Government recently issued regulations that changed some of the aspects of the application process for the H-1B visa program. Starting this year, registrations will be selected based on unique beneficiaries rather than by registration. USCIS requires registrants to provide valid passport information for each beneficiary. The passport or travel document provided must be the one the beneficiary intends to use to enter the United States if issued an H-1B visa. Also, there was an increase in the fees ancillary to the H-1B visa application. To help you navigate this complex process, we’ve compiled important information regarding dates, fees, and resources to guide you through your H-1B visa journey.
Important Dates
- Registration Period: For this fiscal year, the H-1B Lottery application process begins March 06, 2024 and ends March 22, 2024. During this period, employers or their authorized representatives can submit registrations for prospective H-1B beneficiaries
- Lottery Selection: Towards the end of March, USCIS will notify the authorized representatives about the selection.
- Filing Period: Selected registrants will be given a specific period to submit their complete H-1B petitions to USCIS. This filing period usually begins shortly after the lottery selection is completed.
- Processing Time: USCIS typically begins processing H-1B petitions for selected beneficiaries following the filing period. Current processing times for I-129 petitions average 2-4 months; you can check estimated processing times here: It’s essential to stay updated on processing times and any delays that may occur. In order to ensure a quick turnaround, we encourage our clients to pay the Premium Processing fee which binds USCIS to process the petition within two weeks.
- Registration Fee: There is a $10 fee associated with registering for the H-1B lottery. This fee is payable for each registration submitted by the employer or their representative.
- Filing Fees: The filing fee for the H-1B petition vary depending on various factors, including the size of the employer. The filing fees will increase this year starting April 1st. Here’s an overview of the H-1B filing fees:
Current |
After April 1st | |
Filing Fee (employers with less than 25 employees) | $460 | $460 |
Filing Fee (employers with more than 25 employees) | $460 | $780 |
ACWIA Fee (mployers with less than 25 employees) | $750 | $750 |
ACWIA Fee (employers with more than 25 employees) | $1,500 | $1,500 |
Fraud Prevention Fee | $500 | $500 |
Asylum Program Fee (employers with less than 25 employees) | $0 | $300 |
Premium Processing Fee | $2,500 | $2,805 |
For additional information on filing fees please refer to:
- USCIS Website: The official website of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) ( provides detailed information about the H-1B visa program, including eligibility criteria, filing instructions, and forms.
Navigating the H-1B visa process requires careful planning, attention to detail, and access to reliable information and resources. By familiarizing yourself with important dates, fees, and resources, you can increase your chances of success in obtaining an H-1B visa and pursuing your professional goals in the United States. Consulting with an experienced immigration attorney can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the H-1B visa application process.
Good luck on your H-1B visa journey!
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