Garvish Goes Green Committee2023-03-10T15:17:16-05:00
  • Garvish Immigration Going Green Committee Reduce Reuse Recycle Earth Day

Garvish Goes Green Committee

Mission Statement

Garvish Immigration Law Group strives to be environmentally conscious and earth-friendly in every aspect of our business. We are dedicated to lowering the carbon footprint of our office and focused on committing the team to more sustainable practices.

Committee Members

Mercy Odalosu – Committee Leader

Amira Mamdani

Cathy Cooper

Mea Matsuoka

Green Committee Goals & Initiatives

  • Create an entirely paperless immigration process
  • Implement earth-friendly practices around the office
  • Consider earth-conscious design in the building of our new office space
  • Establish regularly scheduled volunteer efforts to drive sustainability in the Atlanta community

Blog Posts Published By Our Green Committee

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