The new US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) insignia represents hope for immigrants. We are hopeful that the introduction of this new insignia reflects the importance of immigrants to our nation and the agency that adjudicates immigrant benefits.

The redesigned emblem now prominently features the Statue of Liberty alongside the motto “Upholding America’s Promise.” This change replaces the former logo, which depicted the American seal with a bald eagle.

This update follows a shift in the agency’s mission statement in February 2022, which emphasized the U.S. as a “Nation of welcome and possibility” for immigrants. This messaging stood in stark contrast to a decision made under the Trump administration in February 2018, which removed references to the U.S. being a “nation of immigrants.”

More than two years later, the newly unveiled logo aligns with this mission statement. Ur Jaddou, the USCIS Director, announced the redesign on X (formerly known as Twitter), stating, “Today I am pleased to introduce our new insignia. It’s designed to link our culture, values, and long-term goals with how we define our agency, and represents the collective contributions of our agency and the embodiment of the American dream.”

Jaddou further shared that, when she thinks of the USCIS, she envisions the determination and resilience of those striving for a better future. She sees hope and the potential for prosperity passed down through generations. Additionally, she praised the agency’s employees, describing them as “hardworking, committed public servants” whose feedback helped shape the new insignia to reflect the organization’s values of fairness, integrity, and respect.

The Statue of Liberty’s well-known inscription—“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”—underscores the symbolism behind this change. The new insignia does not come without criticism and negativity from certain camps especially when the presidential election is only weeks away. At Garvish, we look for miracle signs of potentiality and possibility out there and we will celebrate this new insignia and be on the lookout for signs of more positive change coming from our immigration agency.

About the Author

Elizabeth Garvish
Founder at Garvish Immigration Law Group | (800) 951-4980 | | Profile | + posts

Elizabeth L.A. Garvish founded Garvish Immigration Law Group, LLC in 2011 after practicing immigration law in small boutique firms, big law and nonprofits. Elizabeth is a frequent speaker and presenter on entrepreneurship and U.S. immigration topics around the world. She is an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and serves on various national committees and is the Past Chair of the Georgia-Alabama Chapter of AILA. Elizabeth is also a certified member of the EO Global Speakers Academy.